What I can help you with

I'm a nutritionist, and there are a few common health concerns I can probably help with. Well, it's the food that helps, but you know what I mean. I can help you pick the right foods to give your body it's best chance at recovery from these concerns.

I am not a nurse or doctor. You still need to go see a doctor. Do that first if you haven't done that in a while.

Anyway,  there are a few common health issues that working with a nutritionist can help resolve. There are also a lot of amazing bonus benefits that you get to discover for yourself along the way, but let's start with a few issues that we can probably resolve with an adjusted eating plan....and maybe a supplement or two.

  • Energy
    • WITH good nutrition you are filling your energy tank every time you eat. Healthy foods are nutrient dense, and a lot of nutrients in healthy foods (fruits and vegetables in particular) are very efficient contributors to the energy production cycle in the mitochondria. This should not surprise us, but when I help someone eat healthier, this is one of the first things they get excited about. (I love it!!)
    • Without good nutrition you will almost certainly have low energy. Younger people can play this one off, but as we age this becomes true for just about everyone. Foods that are high in unhealthy fats and refined carbs like french fries, fried chicken, hamburgers, pizza, pasta and desserts are way too low (if not completely void) of nutrients and wayyyy too high in unhealthy fats and sugars that cause inflammation. These foods drain your fuel tank and leave you hungry and cranky. 

  • Mild memory issues or brain fog
    • WITH good nutrition your brain gets the specific fuels it needs to run faster and improve recall. Names, places, grocery lists, work priorities, and family schedules can all become a little easier to work with. Did you know that on average, we only use about 10% of our brain's capacity on a daily basis? Good nutrition is the key to unlocking  more of the brain power you already have. 
    • Without good nutrition your brain can get fogged up with chemicals, preservatives and unhealthy fats. Sugar  and gluten are huge causes of brain fog.Once you take these memory blockers out of your eating plan, do a little bit of recovery with supplements, and work in a few brain boosting foods...you will most probably be able to tell a difference. Just stopping gluten for a week could have big results for you. Try it!
  • Weight Gain
    • WITH good nutrition, the right eating plan and the right nutritionist to guide you through it, you can stop the weight gain. You can probably even lose weight with a combination of calorie control, a few important food swaps, and a good detox regimen. 
    • Without good nutrition you will probably keep gaining weight, even if you count calories. The reason is two fold. 1) the quality of the nutrients. 2) you still need to detox. As you gain weight you increase your chances of diabetes and heart disease. This is why I do what I do....not only to help people feel better, but to help people avoid terrible diseases that are necessary and totally preventable. 
  • Headaches
    • WITH good nutrition most headaches will go away naturally. People get headaches all the time for all sorts of reasons. What I can tell you is that most of the time it's nutrient related. Definitely not always, so if nutrition doesn't work please go see a doctor!! 
    • Without good nutrition you'll find yourself needing to take an anti-inflammatory or medications. However, you will probably keep getting the headaches because you aren't fixing the root cause. You aren't deficient in ibuprophen or migraine medicine. You may, however, be deficient in magnesium or even just dehydrated or stressed. Holistic nutrition takes into consideration multiple aspects of your life. It's hardly ever a simple "fix". A nutritional approach to relieving headaches would have several parts. 
Ok, there you have it. There are other benefits to working with a nutritionist, but these are my favorite 4 issues that good nutrition can usually help with. If you would like to sign up for a consult and give yourself the upper hand on optimal wellness, let's get it scheduled today! Message me on Facebook!


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