Menu of Services
Fill out form below to sign up for a service or request more information.
One Time Nutrition Consultation $50
- 30 minutes with Tressa
- Set 1- 3 health goals
- Power Plate Review (or review of doctor's recommendations if you have them)
- 3 Recommendations for moving forward
First Month of Nutrition Support with Full One Hour Consultation $125
- 1 hour initial consult with Action Plan
- Customized 1 week meal plan
- 3 additional weekly calls (15-30 minutes each) for follow up and support
Continued Support $70/month
- Weekly coaching calls are $70/month (30 minutes or less per week
Terrain Health Questionnaire and Terrain 10 Guided Review $125
- This package includes:
- The online version of the Terrain Ten survey sent link via email
- Terrain Results Document
- One hour of Terrain review for top 3 Terrain areas
- this consultation includes an email sent afterwards with summary of top recommendations for a more balanced Terrain
- I can send orders for additional testing based on Terrain concerns (tests are additional)
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