Optimal Nutrition Before and After Your Workout

 Have you ever been halfway through a run or an intense aerobics class, and felt like you were sputtering out? The good news is you were burning calories, and that was probably your plan. The reality is that calories and nutrients provide energy, so you may have been running out of fuel. The key is to take in the right amount of fuel (calories) and use the right sources (nutrition). This requires intention and planning but it's well worth the effort to get the best workout possible. 

Let's start with the calorie math. Your body needs about 100 calories to take 2,000 steps, so if you take a walk and get 5,000 steps then you may need an extra 250 calories to keep up for the rest of the day. A 5 mile run requires 1,000 calories. A 45 minute zumba class will burn about 250-300 calories. A one hour boxing class burns closer to 400 or 500 calories. If you are trying to lose weight and want to keep a calorie deficit for the day, then you can still do that. Just keep in mind that you only need to eat about 500 calories less than usual to lose weight. If you can get in a great work out, then you may need to adjust to only eating 200 or 300 calories less than normal to stay on track. Calories are energy. However, don't fuel up on just anything. Complex carbohydrates like those found in plant based energy sources are the cleanest fuel. So basically, eating a good bit of plant based complex carbs is ideal, but you may feel like a rabbit trying to eat all the green plants. It helps to get creative and a few new ideas can make all the difference. Also, if you are trying to lose weight and eating fewer calories, you are more likely to feel faint during a workout, so my suggestion is to at least have a piece of fruit about 30 minutes before. Then, drinking an electrolyte drink during your workout can help you power through. 

A common dilemma athletes face is what to eat before a workout, which is a good time to fuel up. Again, fruit is a great idea. Eating a banana, an apple, or a low sugar granola bar a bit before you are ready to go can be helpful to increase energy output just in time for your tennis shoes to hit the pavement. Other high quality sources of fuel would be a couple of squares of dark chocolate, dried peas or healthy fats like avocado or a handful of nuts. The key is to get enough calories about 30 minutes before the workout, so that you don't crash and burn half way through. You can also keep an emergency stash of carbohydrates in your pocket, or close by, in case you underestimate how much you need to eat before you set out to start. Quick but healthy carbs could be dried blueberries or dried mango. You can also put a dash of Gatorade in your water to help with electrolytes. Stay away from added refined sugar, because you will be setting yourself up for a blood sugar crash after your run. However, a moderate amount of complex carbs can help you fuel up for your run and push effectively through the "wall". 

After your workout, it's important to help your muscles recover by having a protein shake within 30 minutes of your cool down. Protein shakes have amino acids which help rebuild muscles. A plant based protein is the cleanest source of amino acids, but whey protein could also be helpful if you are running particularly longer distances. (1)

A well fueled workout can take you farther than you've ever been, and help you reach the next level. If you struggle with having the energy to even think about working out, then a little bit of caffeine may help to get the process started. A cup of coffee works, or you can try a natural energy drink with a safe amount of caffeine and added vitamins. Fueling up sufficiently before a workout and helping your muscles recover properly only requires a little bit of planning ahead. When you have to stop a workout earlier than planned, you get disappointed. It could even cause you to feel light headed or pass out, which is a safety hazard. Don't let yourself get into this situation by running on empty.  Keep your tank full and your fuel clean with optimal nutrition before and after your workout. 


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