Intro to Leaky Gut

Are you constantly dealing with stomach issues and generally feeling low energy? Aching joints to top it off? You may have leaky gut. The good news is that with a little bit of research and a few all natural solutions, you can heal it and feel SO much better!

What is it?

A healthy gut has a lining that is like a tight mesh and is taught. It only lets very small particles like vitamins and glucose through into the bloodstream. This allows for food particles to be completely broken down and digested before the nutrients are allowed into the blood. A Leaky Gut is a condition where the mesh of the gut lining stretches out and becomes increasingly permeable, which can allow larger food particles into the bloodstream. This causes food allergies because the immune system attacks the food particles in the blood. It doesn’t recognize them, so they are treated as invaders. When gluten leaks through into your bloodstream, this causes a very high increase in inflammation and can cause arthritis and very painful joints and muscle aches. 

What causes it?

Lowered production of collagen as we age can be one cause of leaky gut. It’s also exacerbated by eating too much gluten, dairy and sugar. Gluten and dairy contain something called lectins which makes it worse. 

Stomach, Health, Diet, Dessert, Eating

What are the symptoms/signs you have it?

  • Food allergies/sensitivities
  • Arthritis or arthritic joints
  • IBS
  • Migraines or tension headaches
  • Low energy
  • Stomach issues like gas, bloating, constipation
  • Thyroid issues
  • Skin issues like rosacea and acne
  • Low thyroid (constipation, hair loss, weight gain, brain fog)

How Do We Fix it?

It will take about 3-6 months for complete gut healing, but it can be done! 

  • Stop eating gluten, dairy, and sugar. A little bit of natural sugar here and there, like fruit, is ok, but no refined sugary desserts or added sugar. 
  • You do NOT need a prescription. Some doctors may prescribe an antibiotic. This is not the answer and will only make the issue worse. 
  • Healing the gut can be somewhat complicated, and it may involve doing a candida cleanse first. 
  • Either way, probiotics and bone broth are very healthy and healing for the gut, and would be my first two recommendations. 
  • If you have arthritis, IBS, low thyroid or multiple food allergies, you probably need to work with a nutritionist for gut healing. Message me on Facebook for a consult appointment, or email me at Keeping a healthy gut requires learning a new way of eating that feeds the gut first. 
  • There are other foods and supplements that can help. Plexus is a line of nutrition products designed around gut healing, and I can tell you from personal experience that it works. The Plexus Triplex product combo is a great starting place for gut healing. It can help you heal your gut in as little as 1-3 months.  I healed my gut in less than a month. My results were quick because I already had a mostly clean diet. I do not usually eat a lot of sugar, gluten or dairy. Be careful that you don't take any product to cover symptoms without changing your diet. Your gut needs the right foods. Supplement like this can improve your results but they do not replace optimal nutrition through food. 


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