What Are You Feeding?
One of the things I love about natural wellness and nutrition is that the more you put into it ....the more you get out of it. Always. It's a very fair and reliable strategy. Once you get going in the right direction (AKA find a good source of info) and start making the right changes, it starts a teeny snow ball. The snow ball grows and grows until eventually you realize you have achieved your own version of optimal wellness. It all started with that one little decision to eat an apple rather than cake, or to skip the bread and go for an extra veggie instead. Optimal nutrition is eventually like Christmas every day, because each day you wake up and realize a new benefit of changing your eating habits. It's really very rewarding. Better moods, better memory, better sleep and fewer illnesses are just a few of the benefits you can experience.
If I can go out on a limb here, and try to be your good source of information that leads you in the right direction... I have a question for you to think about.
What are you feeding?
Are you feeding the good things in your life?
Are you feeding a higher confidence level? More energy? A higher level of productivity? Are you feeding better moods and deeper relationships?
Or are you feeding insecurity, doubt, sadness, and fear?

One thing I learned in life is that whatever you focus on and feed will grow.
We can feed success, or we can feed fear of failure.
We can feed our wellness, or we can feed our illness.
We may often feed the darker areas of our life with refined sugar, fast food, sodas and too much bread or pasta. It tastes good, so it makes us feel better, right? Some may also try to feed stress, worry or depression with alcohol.
These strategies feel like they work short term, but something else is growing inside. You are feeding the part of you that's headed in the wrong direction. You may be feeding a version of you that's headed for heart disease, cancer, diabetes or obesity. Eating the wrong foods or drinking alcohol, especially in any regular interval, definitely increases your risk of these diseases.
My prayer is that you are working on learning how to feed the good things in your life. I think you are, since you are reading this blog. My advice is to pick a few areas of your life you would like to see growth in, and get together a plan to feed those areas. What you feed will grow. If you need help putting a nutrition plan together, let me know. That's why I do what I do. Optimal nutrition feeds and supports all the good parts of your life.
If I can go out on a limb here, and try to be your good source of information that leads you in the right direction... I have a question for you to think about.
What are you feeding?
Are you feeding the good things in your life?
Are you feeding a higher confidence level? More energy? A higher level of productivity? Are you feeding better moods and deeper relationships?
Or are you feeding insecurity, doubt, sadness, and fear?

One thing I learned in life is that whatever you focus on and feed will grow.
We can feed success, or we can feed fear of failure.
We can feed our wellness, or we can feed our illness.
We may often feed the darker areas of our life with refined sugar, fast food, sodas and too much bread or pasta. It tastes good, so it makes us feel better, right? Some may also try to feed stress, worry or depression with alcohol.
These strategies feel like they work short term, but something else is growing inside. You are feeding the part of you that's headed in the wrong direction. You may be feeding a version of you that's headed for heart disease, cancer, diabetes or obesity. Eating the wrong foods or drinking alcohol, especially in any regular interval, definitely increases your risk of these diseases.
My prayer is that you are working on learning how to feed the good things in your life. I think you are, since you are reading this blog. My advice is to pick a few areas of your life you would like to see growth in, and get together a plan to feed those areas. What you feed will grow. If you need help putting a nutrition plan together, let me know. That's why I do what I do. Optimal nutrition feeds and supports all the good parts of your life.
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