5 Tips for a Healthier Holiday
Most of us like the holidays, and even count the days until Christmas. It’s a magical time full of love and warmth and giving. And shopping. Not to mention, people are happier and life is just…..good. I mean, what’s not to like?
Ok….there is something. Just one thing that most of us do not enjoy about the holidays.
Weight gain!!
All of the food at ALL the parties tempts us. Party after party, we are tempted, and then eventually, for lack of a better plan....we give in.
I mean, after all, we were good for most of the year, right? We deserve a treat...or two....or four.

But then after several days of eating the copious amounts of unhealthy foods (ahem, cookies, pie, cakes, fudge, buttery rolls, etc)... we feel low energy, bloated, and maybe even wind up getting sick. We may even have a brief moment of brain fog (due to too much sugar) ...completely forget why we feel so bad, and worry if we are getting seriously ill. Nope. We soon recall the events in question that have caused the current state of pain and suffering.
Then after the holidays we are left with the worst part of the deal. We have extra weight that keeps us busy the whole next three months trying to lose it. We go to the gym and get burned out, and don't go back. We get on crazy expensive vitamins that promise success, but we are disappointing with the results. It's exhausting trying to get back to a pre-holiday state of being.
But it doesn’t have to be like that. With a little bit of planning and resolve you can have a happier, healthier holiday and keep the weight off. You will feel better, have more energy, sleep deeper, feel slimmer, and enjoy a confidence boost.
As a certified holistic nutritionist I feel like I have a few tips I can share with you that may help you have a healthier holiday. Setting a goal for a healthier holiday than usual is great. It's the first step, but you also need an action plan.
Here are 5 tips for a healthy holiday:
- Portion control. It’s good etiquette to have at least a bite or two of what’s served to you, so go ahead. Taste what you want to taste, and then be done. One gingerbread cookie (or even half of one) tastes just as good as two cookies. I promise! Half of it may not even taste as good as you thought anyway, so be polite, taste it, and then move on. If possible, you can also politely request substitutions like no potatoes and extra salad, or no bread and extra olives, or something like that.
- Drink water. Drink water first, before going to the food table. Water helps you feel less hungry, promotes detox, helps cure holiday headaches, and promotes weight loss. Also, definitely skip the alcoholic drinks when you are trying to stay healthy. Alcohol, at ANY type of regular interval, will inflict damage on your liver and every cell of your body. Alcohol is a drug. Drink water, tea, a small amount of juice, or coffee with natural sweetener. Skip the "other stuff". I like to get fancy with a sparkling water and lime or lemon. It's refreshing and hydrating, and I don't miss alcohol at all.
- Focus on people more than food. Before you go to the gathering, think of several people who may be at the party that you want to reconnect with. That will be the true treasure at the party- reconnecting with people. Spend time with people, rather than around the food table. Ask your friends if they mind relocating to another area of the party where you aren't tempted to just keep eating the food. Definitely eat the food, but try not to keep eating it. Keep your focus on people.
- Eat a small snack before the party so you aren’t starving when you get there. Eat a handful of nuts, a little bit of raw veggies and hummus, or a spoon of nut butter. You could even make a healthy version of a cookie that is your pre-holiday party snack that's actually really good, to help you remember to eat it. I like these Guilt Free Chocolate Chip Cookies.
- Bring a healthy food to the party. You can make sure there is a healthy option at the party by bringing it. Bring something healthy and delicious like guacamole, hummus, fruit salad, gluten free crackers and cheese, or a tray of raw veggies with a fabulous dipping sauce.
Staying healthy during the holidays is essentially the same as staying healthy on all the other days of the year. Have a plan, stay mindful of your goals, use the rules of moderation, focus on the healthy food first, and learn to stand your ground when offered something unhealthy that you really don't want.
Just an additional thought here. What if this year was your very healthiest holiday yet? What if you lost weight, rather than gained it, and learned to eat in a way that supports overall optimal health and well-being? Personally, I think you can do it. You will still have a wonderful holiday. You will have great memories, and you can still eat delicious foods. The gift of optimal health would truly be a wonderful gift to give yourself, and your family. It's just a thought. If you need support through the process I can help! I'm a certified holistic nutritionist and I've helped dozens of clients lose weight and feel better...just this year! Message me on Facebook and we will get started making this your best holiday yet.
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