My Top 10 Reasons Not to Eat Sugar
Thinking about giving up refined sugar? More and more people are toying with the idea, especially after a few days or weeks of eating it too often, and then feeling sick and tired. Our gut may be the first sign that we've had too much. It's either a gut feeling, a sore gut or bloating and gas. Whichever way, ....."something" is telling us to give it a break, and it's for a good reason.
Not eating sugar is....good for you.'s very good for you. It may not be an easy change to implement, but it's probably the single most effective dietary change you can make to start feeling better fast. Even if you just try it for a week. You will love the way you feel. The first few days can be hard, and you may have some withdrawal symptoms like feeling moody or low energy, but if you can get through those few days you will gift yourself with something special. You will have started down a path to feeling much better.

Here are ten reasons to stop eating sugar.
1. For a healthy heart. Sugar competes with the same nutrients your heart needs to stay healthy, in particular magnesium, and b vitamins, so it can drastically reduce heart health status. I believe this is why heart disease is the number ONE killer of men and women in the US. There are other factors here as well, like toxins and nutrient status, but sugar is something that so many of us eat too often. I think it contributes substantially to heart disease risk. Americans eat much more sugar than countries like Japan, China or Europe. That's why our heart disease risk is higher.
2. Because chemicals. Sugar is refined with a host of toxins and chemicals, stripping away the molasses component which actually contains a few nutrients. It's literally washed in chemicals. That donut or cookie may not look quite as appetizing in the moment of temptation if you can manage to remember this detail.
3. For better energy. Sugar zaps energy levels and contributes to chronic fatigue. There is no way around it. A little bit of sugar from a natural source, like fruit, can give you energy. Too much sugar, especially refined sugar, tanks your energy level and causes you to feel so tired you think you may actually fall through the floor. Been there my friend.
4. To avoid type two diabetes. Regular sugar consumption can increase risk of type two diabetes. Sugar consumption triggers insulin release, which helps the sugar get from your bloodstream into your cells. This is, over all, an ok process. You don't want sugar to stay in the bloodstream for too long. However , your pancreas will eventually get tired and you will get insulin resistant cells. Both of these situations lead to type two diabetes. However, when you give up sugar and focus on complex carbohydrates the situation changes and your body probably CAN keep up with insulin production.
5. To lose weight. Sugar causes weight gain and obesity by adding extra calories. I think most of us know this. I'm sorry, it's just math and science coming together into this really harsh reality. But once you learn to control your cravings, you will appreciate that most of the time there is a way to lose weight and feel better. Eat less sugar.
6. So you don't get addicted. Sugar is addictive, so the more you eat it, the more you want it, and the worse you feel. The best way to stop eating it is to gradually replace the sugary foods you are eating with a healthier option, like fruit or naturally sweetened snacks.
7. For beauty. Sugar causes premature aging by interfering with collagen production. It will give you wrinkles, cellulite and can cause droopy skin.
8. To stay regular. Sugar causes constipation, bloating and gas. Sugar works against all of your best efforts to eat more fiber or drink more water.
9. To lower cancer risk. Sugar increases cancer risk and may proliferate growth of existing tumors.
10. To stay healthy. Sugar causes your immune system to be less effective for about two hours after you eat it. If you are eating it all day....your defenses are down all day.
I know from experience that giving up sugar isn't easy. The good news is that you don't immediately have to give it up entirely. My advice is to try not eating any for a week or so and see how you feel. Just test it out. From there you may decide if you want to give it up completely. When one lifestyle change boosts your moods, energy and immune system, helps you lose weight and helps you think more may be tempted to leave sugar out for good. You thought you loved it because it made you "happy" (in the moment), but maybe letting it go will make you even happier. Just a thought.
By the way, if you are addicted to sugar and need help with the process of giving it up, contact me with a message on Facebook to get a consult scheduled. I am a certified nutritionist and I am confident that I can help.
Not eating sugar is....good for you.'s very good for you. It may not be an easy change to implement, but it's probably the single most effective dietary change you can make to start feeling better fast. Even if you just try it for a week. You will love the way you feel. The first few days can be hard, and you may have some withdrawal symptoms like feeling moody or low energy, but if you can get through those few days you will gift yourself with something special. You will have started down a path to feeling much better.

Here are ten reasons to stop eating sugar.
1. For a healthy heart. Sugar competes with the same nutrients your heart needs to stay healthy, in particular magnesium, and b vitamins, so it can drastically reduce heart health status. I believe this is why heart disease is the number ONE killer of men and women in the US. There are other factors here as well, like toxins and nutrient status, but sugar is something that so many of us eat too often. I think it contributes substantially to heart disease risk. Americans eat much more sugar than countries like Japan, China or Europe. That's why our heart disease risk is higher.
2. Because chemicals. Sugar is refined with a host of toxins and chemicals, stripping away the molasses component which actually contains a few nutrients. It's literally washed in chemicals. That donut or cookie may not look quite as appetizing in the moment of temptation if you can manage to remember this detail.
3. For better energy. Sugar zaps energy levels and contributes to chronic fatigue. There is no way around it. A little bit of sugar from a natural source, like fruit, can give you energy. Too much sugar, especially refined sugar, tanks your energy level and causes you to feel so tired you think you may actually fall through the floor. Been there my friend.
4. To avoid type two diabetes. Regular sugar consumption can increase risk of type two diabetes. Sugar consumption triggers insulin release, which helps the sugar get from your bloodstream into your cells. This is, over all, an ok process. You don't want sugar to stay in the bloodstream for too long. However , your pancreas will eventually get tired and you will get insulin resistant cells. Both of these situations lead to type two diabetes. However, when you give up sugar and focus on complex carbohydrates the situation changes and your body probably CAN keep up with insulin production.
5. To lose weight. Sugar causes weight gain and obesity by adding extra calories. I think most of us know this. I'm sorry, it's just math and science coming together into this really harsh reality. But once you learn to control your cravings, you will appreciate that most of the time there is a way to lose weight and feel better. Eat less sugar.
6. So you don't get addicted. Sugar is addictive, so the more you eat it, the more you want it, and the worse you feel. The best way to stop eating it is to gradually replace the sugary foods you are eating with a healthier option, like fruit or naturally sweetened snacks.
7. For beauty. Sugar causes premature aging by interfering with collagen production. It will give you wrinkles, cellulite and can cause droopy skin.
8. To stay regular. Sugar causes constipation, bloating and gas. Sugar works against all of your best efforts to eat more fiber or drink more water.
9. To lower cancer risk. Sugar increases cancer risk and may proliferate growth of existing tumors.
10. To stay healthy. Sugar causes your immune system to be less effective for about two hours after you eat it. If you are eating it all day....your defenses are down all day.
I know from experience that giving up sugar isn't easy. The good news is that you don't immediately have to give it up entirely. My advice is to try not eating any for a week or so and see how you feel. Just test it out. From there you may decide if you want to give it up completely. When one lifestyle change boosts your moods, energy and immune system, helps you lose weight and helps you think more may be tempted to leave sugar out for good. You thought you loved it because it made you "happy" (in the moment), but maybe letting it go will make you even happier. Just a thought.
By the way, if you are addicted to sugar and need help with the process of giving it up, contact me with a message on Facebook to get a consult scheduled. I am a certified nutritionist and I am confident that I can help.
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