The Benefits of Tracking with Cronometer

We all want results, right? We invest in our own success, write down goals, and have results on our minds as we motivate ourselves into action. Whether it's getting off of medication, weight loss, better moods, more energy, fertility, better sleep, or lowering pain; it's important to see progress from our eating program. Progress keeps us diligent and helps us keep going. If we don't see progress we may not feel as motivated. We may doubt our program and be tempted to quit.

So here's a core truth I've discovered as a nutritionist.

Whether you are a current or future client, or just want to make progress on your eating plan.... tracking what you eat improves results. 

Of course, results are linked to actions, so it depends on what you do with the information, but having the information is a critical first step. If you don't track what you are eating, then you may not even have an accurate sense of what you are eating.

I am constantly on the lookout for new tips and tools to better help my clients. One of my clients has introduced me to Cronometer. It’s a food tracking app with an extensive food nutrient database. This is what the graphic looks like in the app store:

There are a few reasons that I’d recommend that my clients track what you eat (besides the fact that my new prices reflect the time I'll spend reviewing your food diary).

Tracking what you eat:
  1. Improves awareness. You have to think about what you ate in order to track it accurately. It's so easy to pop food in your mouth, especially sweets or salty foods, and not give it another thought. Until the next day on the scale, or a few hours later when we feel bad. The joint pain or brain fog may be an unwelcome reminder. However, as soon as you start tracking you will think twice before eating something that isn't on your plan.
  2. Creates Connections. Tracking what we eat helps us connect what we eat to how we feel. Once you start tracking, and you are more aware of what you eat, you may find it easier to connect how you feel to what you ate. If you don't know what you ate, how can you connect it?
  3. Promotes mindful eating and better food choices. Cronometer is the only free food tracking app I know of that will trend macronutrients and micronutrients, so you will be able to see what types of foods to work into your plan. It’s not super simple to look at the reports and know exactly what you should eat (or not eat), though, so that’s how I can help. 
  4. Helps us identify patterns of overeating or under-eating. Tracking foods will help you see how many calories you eat. Sometimes the truth hurts , but you have to start somewhere. Results happen when we make helpful changes. You may see that you don't eat enough on Mondays and Tuesdays, but that you make up for it on Fridays. This helps you stay positive on your plan. You may actually be doing better than you think! Why not be able to visualize that info?
  5. Improves results, especially related to weight gain, weight loss, energy maintenance, moods, etc. The bottom line is that we get better results when we tweak our eating and fitness plan according to how we feel and the actual numbers associated with it (pounds, calories, nutrients, minutes on the treadmill, etc). How we feel changes from day to day, but the science of the number of calories you should be eating, or the amount of folate you need in a day is pretty solid. It's reliable, which means that in the long term, results can be more reliable. It's not perfect, but it's definitely more reliable than shooting into the dark and feeling like your eating plan is guess work. 
Tracking what you eat improves results, especially when working with a nutritionist. As a Certified Holistic Nutritionist, my tracking app of choice is Cronometer. Start with the free version. If you are an active client, let me know when you have tracked for 4-5 days consistently, send me your log in, and I will use this information to provide meaningful follow up. If you are not an active client but are interested in better results, then reactivate soon. I only have room for 2 more active clients and I have several people already talking to me about starting or reactivating. Spots are limited!


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