Detox and Candida Die Off

Welcome to the world of detox and candida die off! I'm writing this blog because I have a few clients and friends/family starting to take the Plexus products. These products are effective for detoxification as well as re-balancing the gut through elimination of candida. Both of these processes can have their own set of symptoms that can cause you to feel uncomfortable before you feel better. But knowledge is power. Hopefully, the more you know about the process, the more likely you are to stick with the plan so that in just a short week or two, you can be on the other side of it and feeling better.

First of all, let's talk candida. Candida is a a type of yeast that can overgrow in the intestines and cause all types of health problems. It can cause hormone imbalance, gas, constipation, gut pain, sugar cravings, extreme fatigue, brain fog, weight gain, headaches and joint pain. Many people suffer for years with these symptoms, unaware that they could be caused by candida. Candida overgrowth is most often caused by the usage of antibiotics, which kill the bad and good bacteria in the body. It's the good bacteria that keeps the candida levels in check, so when the good bacteria are killed, candida has the opportunity to overgrow. Sugar can also make it worse. So if you have ever taken antibiotics or eaten sugar, there's your problem.

Let's talk about a solution. Plexus products, particularly the Plexus Triplex, can help lower candida very effectively. The Probio5 not only has good bacteria in it to help rebalance the gut, but it also has enzymes that are combined and formulated to kill candida. This is a process you have to take slowly. As candida dies, it lets off gasses that can cause you to feel candida die-off symptoms. So at some point, you may actually feel worse right before you start feeling better. 

The key is to keep taking the products. Start by taking just 1 or 2 Probio5 a day and then wait a few days before you start any more new products. It's ok if you have already started Pink drink (Slim). It's actually better if you start drinking that first. It creates an optimal environment in the gut for probiotics to thrive. A few days after you work up to 2 Probio5 you can start the Biocleanse. Start taking 1 or 2 a day at lunch, then you can add another 1 at breakfast.

Here are a few symptoms of candida die-off you can expect.

body aches
low energy
tummy gurgles
more headaches
more moodiness

So that's candida die off in a nut shell. After your gut is rebalanced your digestion should improve. Your die off symptoms should go away. Then you will have better energy, less brain fog, better moods  and your metabolism will speed up. So keep going!

Cellular detox is ALSO an issue, and the ingredients in the triplex can support that process. can cause a little bit of discomfort. Don't stop your products. These symptoms are more than likely also a headache or moodiness but it will eventually let up. On the other side of the detox symptoms is definitely better energy and a clearer head. Detoxing cleared up my memory and focus like you would not believe. It's totally worth it. Keep going! Talk to your upline Plexus Ambassador if you have any concerns or questions about this process. If you need to, you can slow down on the products. Don't stop unless you have fever, vomiting or any other more severe symptoms. Those aren't ok (or course), but a little bit of low energy or a headache just means that your supplements are WORKING and that you are about to feel SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better. Hang in there!!


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