The Magnesium Diet
Hi friend. How are you? Are you stressed? Anxious? Tired? Having tension headaches? Dealing with poor sleep, tense muscles and a foggy brain? Join the club, right? That seems to be the attitude of a lot of us these days. 2021 has been stressful, and part of us just adapts to it and with God's grace, we just keep going. But I have a question. Are you sick and tired of being sick and stressed? Are you at the end of your rope, thinking, "something has to change"? I've been there, too, and I can tell you that with optimal nutrition, things will definitely get better. There is hope for feeling well, and chances are, you can start improving the way you feel in just a few days. This is especially true when you have been under stress, having headaches, anxiety, sleep issues, low moods, low energy, etc.
I'm here to tell you that a lot of these issues may have a nutrition connection. There's an important nutrient that you may not be getting enough of, and that can cause big problems. My friends, you may have low magnesium.
Here's what depletes magnesium, in order of the severity of the offense:
- Too much sugar. Sugary desserts and snacks like cake, cookies, candy, ice cream, pie, pudding, jello, cinnamon rolls, donuts.....need I go on?
- Stress. Stressful situations like...hmmm...maybe a pandemic? Yes, also included would be divorce, unreasonable work demands, moving, financial difficulties, illness and any type of unreasonable expectations from other people or from yourself.
- Toxicity. Exposure to chemicals, like pesticides, chemical sweeteners, perfumes, harsh cleaners, preservatives in food, medications, and off gassing from paint, carpet and glade plug in type products.
- Caffeine. Yes, I am sorry to tell you, but caffeine from too much coffee, tea, or energy drinks can deplete magnesium and cause low levels.
- Refined Carbs. We pretty much already know that refined grains like wheat are just full of inflammation causing carbs with none of the nutrition that was there in the first place. They make us tired and achy and bloated, but sometimes we keep eating them anyway. Just keep in mind that refined carbs (white bread, pizza pasta, etc) are leaching your magnesium stores precipitously, and can, after a few decades of eating them too often, cause cancer, heart disease and diabetes.
- Sweating. Intense workouts/sweating will cause loss of magnesium (up to 12% of your total daily loss) along with the loss of other minerals (electrolytes). If this is you, try Plexus Hydrate to help replace magnesium with a high quality, only naturally sweetened electrolyte drink.
- Pregnancy and nursing will increase the need for magnesium, which, if not addressed with improved nutrition can end up causing a deficiency.
I know. I felt the same way when I first read this list, many moons ago. If we aren't careful, daily life can take away more magnesium than we are getting through food. But there's great news. You can replenish magnesium through lifestyle changes, high nutrition whole foods and supplements. Doing so will help reduce headaches, increase energy, supports better sleep, helps clear brain fog and improves mental health.
Here are foods high in magnesium. If you have 2 or more of the symptoms listed above (and let's add constipation to the list too), then you would benefits from eating these foods regularly. I'd call it the Magnesium Diet.
- Avocados
- dark chocolate (yay! make it really dark for low sugar)
- halibut
- almonds
- bananas
- beans, especially black beans
- leafy greens
- tofu
- seeds
- whole grains
- peas
Depending on how much stress your daily life involves, and how often you drink coffee/workout/eat sugar, then you may also need to take a magnesium supplement.
You may also benefit from incorporating lifestyle changes to lower stress. Walking helps. Yoga helps. Crying helps. An epsom salt bath can help. Reducing work hours can help. Actually taking a lunch break can help. Sunshine helps.
This list of foods above is just a few examples of foods that can help you go in the right direction. You would also want to think about eating less sugar, if you are currently indulging on a regular basis. It sounds hard but it's not. Eating less sugar (or no sugar) can help sugar cravings go away forever. It's an amazing place to be in and you will LOVE it. If you need help taking that first step to eat less sugar, try eating more fruit. My favorite sugar buster is grapes! They have sugar, but they also have nutrition and fiber to help balance it out. You could also try Built bars. They are low sugar protein bars that I like to recommend. Text me for a built bar 10% off code if you decide to try it.
If you feel overwhelmed and need help giving this eating plan/lifestyle a try, leave a comment here and I'll get back with you. I am a certified nutritionist and I can help with the details and the support you need to get your magnesium levels (and your life) back on track. But I also hope this information helps you to start making a few changes on your own, so you can feel better as soon as possible. You weren't meant to feel constantly tired or unable to think straight. You were meant for great things.
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