7 Ways Optimal Nutrition Increases Fitness Results
Here's a few ways optimal nutrition can unlock your best workout yet:
1. Get it done. Eating healthy and optimizing nutrition choices will boost your energy level. GAME CHANGER. More energy means you are 1) more likely to workout and 2) likely to work out more consistently. You can't burn calories or build muscle if you aren't making it to the gym! Think of healthy foods as containing energy, and when you consume them, your energy level goes up.
2. Heal faster. Great nutrition supports more efficient recovery and healing. Every workout breaks down muscle fibers and causes inflammation. If you aren't eating a diet full of antioxidants (from plenty of fruit and vegetables), then you aren't recovering to your fullest. After a few months of intense training, you could eventually cause an injury that could have you down for weeks. You have to give yourself time to heal after the more intense workouts, and you MUST fuel the recovery process. (hint- protein!!)
3. Sleep better. Better sleep improves energy and stamina, and can prevent accidents during sports or gym time. Good nutrition is critical for deep sleep. What you eat effects sleep hormones and your ability to relax. It can also reduce anxiety which helps you get to sleep faster. Better sleep = safer workout. Did you know that cherries contain melatonin?
4. Happy workouts. We've all had the workout where we pushed through a terrible mood, and yes- the workouts helps us feel better, but what if the mood going into the gym was just as good as the mood leaving the gym? It helps you ENJOY working out! Your gym buddies and sports teammates will thank you!
5. Belief boost. Any runner or endurance athlete will tell you that it was the super positive self talk that helped them reach the next level. You have to believe in yourself, and you have to tell yourself that you do! In some workouts (the long run!!) you have to tell yourself "I know I can do this!" over and over. That takes mental fortitude. You need a belief in yourself that just won't quit. Nutrition supports this process, because as you eat healthier, you perform better, and then you SEE the results, and you can remind yourself of this often.
6. Focus factor. Some workouts or sports require a higher level of focus. Fast paced sports, competitive sports, dance workouts (learning choreography), and endurance running are just a few examples. These workouts benefit the most from clean eating, because not only do you get the happy vibes, good energy, a belief boost, and great sleep, but optimal nutrition helps you focus! It's easier to remember the dance moves or the training plan details when your brain is on beast mode rather than belch mode.
7. Pain relief. No pain no gain, right? The hardest part of a really great workout can be the pain/soreness that can come on a few hours later. You may know that sore muscles are caused by a lactic acid build up, but did you know that vitamin c can help reduce lactic acid soreness? So if you get in a great workout, but then feel sore afterwards, take a vitamin c capsule, or better yet- eat an orange or two. Win/win!
Athletes know that races and games are won in the kitchen just as much as in the gym or on the track. We are what we eat, so if you want to feel like a champ, it helps to eat like one.
If you need help eating optimally to fuel your best results, let me know. I am a Certified Holistic Nutritionist, and I can help with a customized nutrition plan and weekly coaching calls.
This post is for all my gym buddies and running buddies. Esther, Brandon and Adi....this is for YOU! You motivate me to keep going and you make it fun!
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