Adrenal Health- How to Lower the Holiday Stress

 The holidays are such a blessing, but let's face it. Sometimes they are stressful! Between Christmas and New Years, the rate of heart attacks increases about 30-40%. This is scary, and the stress is real. The good news is that a handful of healthy habits can help support stronger, happier adrenals and lower the Christmas stress. The holidays really can he a happy, healthy time!

Let's talk about how stress affects the adrenals. Your body can produce a hormone that helps you deal with stress. This hormone is cortisol and it gives you energy, helps you think and increases hunger, which I think helps fuel stressful days. The adrenal glands release cortisol in response to stress. However, after a few weeks or a few months of high amounts of stress (think- the week of Christmas!!), the adrenals get tired and may not be able to make enough cortisol. This presents as adrenal fatigue, which is a real condition and can cause big problems. 

Adrenal fatigue causes light headedness, extreeme tiredness, jumpiness, body aches, hair loss and low blood pressure. When you feel these symptoms, you know something is wrong. Usually if not addressed, this will result in getting sick, because it also lowers immunity. 

The ultimate goal is to have low to moderate stressors in life, and keep your adrenals healthy so they can respond to stress when needed. However, stress is sometimes unavoidable and the adrenal glands may need some extra TLC. 

For some reason the holiday season just came to mind. :)

The good news is that we can support healthy adrenals naturally with just a few lifestyle and nutrition that the holidays are wonderful and amazing rather than a health risk. 

Here are 10 ways to support adrenal health:

1. Drastically lower refined sugar. Eating 1-2 sugar cookies at the Christmas party is ok, but you don't need to eat them every morning for breakfast for 2 weeks leading up to Christmas. I know the temptation is real. I have litterally done this, and then I have almost litterally crashed on the floor. Slow down the sugar. I suggest a 3 day complete sugar fast if you feel like you may have adrenal fatigue. This helps reset the adrenals and gives you a chance to eat other healthier things. Try old fashioned oats for breakfast or a couple of eggs. 

2. Increase the fresh fruits and veggies. Fresh fruits and vegetables contain natural vitamins, including vitamin c, which supports the adrenals. The adrenal glands contain vitamin c in 10x the amount it's found in other parts of the body. So if you take vitamin c or do well eating your fruits and veggies, it will directly support adrenal health. The american heart association recommends 5-9 servings of fruits and veggies a day. I coach my clients likewise (we aim for a minimum of 5). 

3. Drink your water. I know this tip is on practically every nutrition post, but that's because it helps support health in every single part of your body. If you let yourself get dehydrated during the holidays you may seriously be headed for the ER for low electrolytes. Cary water with you. Drink it first thing in the morning and last thing at night. Chug to catch up if needed. Try to get 70-80 ounces a day. Use elctrolytes on super busy days or especially if you are in athletics. 

4. Take a walk to lower stress. Walking helps relieve tension, increases energy and helps us re-set. It can give you time to think through issues and get a fresh perspective. Walking 10 minutes can boost energy for 2 hours. 

5. Cry if you need to. Cortisol can build up in your system, and you may literally have to cry it out to avoid health problems. Watch a sad movie. Talk to a friend or your spouse. Let the emotions pass through you and try to give it to God. He is better at carrying our stresses anyway, right?! :)

6. Lower caffeine. Caffeine increases cortisol, but if your adrenals are tired, then it will stress your adrenals and make everything worse. Instead of energy drinks or coffee, try black or green tea. Green tea has amazing benefits. It contains theanine which increases gaba and has a calming effect. It can also help boost immunity and memory. 

7. Increase protein. This helps lower sugar and strengthens immunity. Plant protein is usually the cleanest, but animal proteins like meat or whey protein powder is fine, too. Just make sure it's high quality. Go for organic, grass fed beef and organic eggs/chicken. 

8. Learn to say "no". You don't have to attend every party. You don't have to get all the shopping and planning done in one day. Schedule days OFF from the holiday stress. Maybe you decide that Fridays are at home family holiday fun and you just say "no thank you" to those parties. It sounds hard but it's really easy. When you say no to stress, you are allowing your best holiday experience to shine through. That quiet moment at home in front of the tree with a cup of tea could litterally be the best moment of the whole holiday season for you. Truly. 

9. Take a warm bath. This tip is on here to just get you 20 minutes of quiet and time off your feet. You are welcome. Add bubbles and epsom salt. I do 1-2 cups. 

10. Get more sleep. Your adrenals need sleep to heal just like the rest of you. Go to bed early. Sleep in or get a good nap. You will feel better in every way. I promise. 

Like I said before, adrenal fatigue must be adressed. If not, it's just a metter of time before you are in the hospital or sick with a cold or the flu. So do yourself a favor and plan to schedule in down time and be good about nutrition this holiday season. If you need professional help, that's what I'm here for. I have 2 or 3 open spots for weekly coaching calls and I can get you signed up today!


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