Screen Fasting for Optimal Holistic Health
My family has opted to do a screen fast for the entire month of February. No, we are not crazy. We want to keep from going crazy. :)
I want to share some of the benefits. We have done this before, so we knew it was good thing to do, but we may easily forget just how critical this pause is. I'm running a marathon in a couple of weeks and this is what inspired the fast, but was quickly reminded that screen fasting helps in almost every area of life.
1. Time for face time with your family.
When you and your whole family aren't distracted by screens, you notice them hanging around more, and you will hang around them more too. It's like they just start popping up where you don't normally see them like in the kitchen when you are doing dishes. They may even offer to help!
2. Time for conversations.
Have you ever had something you wanted to talk to your kids or spouse about....but darn it you just keep forgetting? Screen fasts take away 90% of daily distractions instantly. This gives you brain space to remember what you needed to talk to someone about. Believe it or not, even if you run out of things to talk about today, every day there are new topics to discuss and you look forward to the interaction, rather than feeling like it's a distruption.
3. Time to cook at home.
In the afternoon when you aren't distracted by TV or Youtube, you will find yourself meal planning and talking to your family about what sounds good. Wanna run to the store with me to get the stuff? YES! I have nothing else to do right now! :) (these are fun times)
4. Time to not rush.
Screen fast days go slower. It's an entirely different pace that you will love. Time to think, time to get stuff done. Almost zero rushing. Sounds amazing, right? It is!
5. Time to read.
I don't do very well with reading, until we go on a screen fast. When we are off screens, reading books is my down time. I won't say I get to read for hours a day, but I do read daily and I can finish a book within a week. Maybe 2. I read fun books, but I also try to use this time to do more professional develeopment reading as well.
6. Time to clean and get organized.
My house has never been so clean as it is a few days into a screen fasting month. I walk around aimlessly for the first 2 days, just putting things back in place, but also taking note of the spots that need deep cleaning. Then I don't wait a month to get back around to the actual deep cleaning. Usually I'm back to the spot that needs special attention within 24 hours. There's not much going on around me to distract me, so I just don't forget like usual.
7. Time to get active.
I wanted to do this screen fast becuase I'm attempting my first full marathon in 2 weeks, so it's not like I wasn't already active, but with screen fasting, I have more time for active recovery. Rather than sitting on the couch for hours, I'm more likely to get up and be productive or go on a walk outside.
8. Time to sleep.
Sleeping is my favorite, especially while training for a marathon, but even as much as I love sleep, if there's a show I want to watch, I'll stay up to watch it. Take away the screen and I'm lights out. So, this was my #1 motivation as I'm prepping to run 26.2 miles. I need to get good rest, and this seemed like the smartest way to do it.
Being in a rush all the time and having a clouded mind is not good for mental health. As you can see, the most important benefit.... is more time. This creates a calmer, happier brain. You can't process what you don't even have time to think about.
We all FEEL like we have zero time for anything, but it's often a lie. We make time for what we want to do, which in some cases is Facebook, movies, video games, sports, other social media outlets, Youtube, TV shows, etc. We are actually really good at wasting our time in whichever way we choose. Before we started this screen fast, my husband told me he felt like too many screens in our lives was a crutch for passing time. It helps us feel busy so we instantly have an excuse not to do the good works we are supposed to be doing. Eph 2:10.
Hmmmm. This is so true! It got to me. I was like....I think I'm doing that. Sigh.
So screens become an excuse, or they help us create the illusion that we don't have time for the good stuff. But not this month. We are 2 1/2 weeks into our screen fast and enjoying it just as much as we knew we would. It's a break from the hustle and a breath of fresh air. It's reconnecting with eachother and ourselves.
Tying this back to nutrition, if you feel like you are an emotional eater, have a lot of cravings, or struggle with an eating disorder, think about a screen fast. You can start with a few days or a week, and you can work your way up to fasting a month at a time if you feel it's helpful. If screens cause anxiety that then causes unhealthy eating, then you don't feel good, so you sit and watch more TV. Do you see the dysfunctional cycle? Also, just commercials for unhealthy foods alone can be a reason to turn off the TV for a few days. If you need help with putting together a healthy nutrition plan for you or your family, let me know. It's what I'm here for. I'm a Certified Holistic Nutritionist and I can provide weekly nutrition coaching calls and help you stay focused and confident.
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