What is a Terrain Advocate?
A Terrain Advocate is a health and wellness professional that has graduated from the Metabolic Terrain Institute of Health Advocate program. This is a longer program than a traditional nutrition or coaching certification. It trains the health professional to be a passionate advocate for the metabolic approach to cancer care. It can be a nurse, a doctor, a nutritionist, a chiropractor, a health coach, etc. Advocates come in all forms. We are passionate about helping cancer patients through a difficult time.
We are:
- An advocate
- An educator
- A partner
- A trusted resource for possibly the most important journey a person will ever take (cancer care)
We have an understanding of how cancer works, how all 10 terrains contribute to it's growth or demise, and how to rebalance the terrains for improved quality of life and better outcomes. Similar to different terrains of the land, like ocean, dessert, mountains, rivers and plains, the terrains of our body are amazing and beautiful. The 10 terrains with metabolic health are genetics, blood sugar balance, detoxification, the microbiome, immune function, inflammation, circulation, hormone balance, stress, and mental health.
Yes, cancer care involves genetics and toxins and lowering stress, but my friends, this is not all. This approach is based on the principles in the book, The Metabolic Approach to Cancer, and I highly recommend you read this book before you do anything else, if you have cancer or if your loved one has cancer. If you are trying to avoid cancer or avoid a recurrence, this would also be a perfect read. In many cases, if you cannot afford to meet with an advocate, then you will need to be your own advocate. Reading the book will help you do that.
Cancer risk is multifaceted and complicated, but there is hope. If I've learned anything from this program, it's how intricate and wonderful the human body is. It's designed to avoid cancer. In most cases, when the terrains are in balance; cancer is naturally not welcomed. This approach works best when in combination with traditional or conventional treatments, so it's not a replacement approach. It's also not a guarantee, so as an advocate, we understand that a better outcome might just mean we help improve your quality of life.
An advocate can help guide you through the Terrain Ten survey. We guide you to a Metabolic Approach Certified Practitioner, and we can work with you and the practitioner. The practitioner will use the Test, Asses, Address approach, so it's not a one size fits all program. It will be completely customized to your cancer situation, your life and your own test results.
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